With a Clang, Crack, Bang, Booms

Wow! Yet another super fun-packed week for Meadows! Children have enjoyed stories about our neighbourhood and the people that live there. We have celebrated our community and the...


Wow! Yet another super fun-packed week for Meadows!

Children have enjoyed stories about our neighbourhood and the people that live there. We have celebrated our community and the places we find around us.

We talked about the places we could find on our way to school and the importance of keeping safe when crossing a road or riding our bikes.

Children continue to enjoy the construction site, working as a team and sharing their ideas. It has been great to see how it has boosted their confidence, creating opportunities where they can show off their skills.

We had a fantastic time with our song sacks and story sacks – children were thrilled to be part of the story using the props, helping to develop their vocabulary further.

Next term:

Focus book: The Big Umbrella by Amy June Bates

PSED: We will be talking about how we feel when we are in different environments (the doctor’s surgery, shops, playground…)

We are also supporting children’s communication and language development by providing a wide range of vocabulary throughout the class.

We will continue to work on numbers 1-5 and number symbol recognition.

Other Information

We kindly ask parents to make sure the children have at least one set of spare clothes (including socks). It can sometimes be a challenge for school to provide the children with size appropriate clothes.

We would also like to ask parents to support and encourage their children’s independence to put on their coat and shoes by themselves. We are incredibly grateful for all your support.

We wish you a lovely and restful weekend!

Nursery Team