”Riding a bicycle is the closest you can get to flying.” John F. Kennedy

Magnificent Meadows, we are so proud of you all! What a wonderful  finish to this first half of the summer term! We have been enjoying the lovely weather...


Magnificent Meadows, we are so proud of you all!

What a wonderful  finish to this first half of the summer term! We have been enjoying the lovely weather and trying out different types of bikes. The children shared their experiences of going on various types of bikes (balance bikes, bikes with stabilizers or box bikes).

It was lovely to see so many parents join us for the Family Friday and see how proud the children were to show off their work! We appreciate your continuous support!

Next Half of the Summer Term

We will begin the theme of Traditional Tales starting with the tale of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. We would also like to enrich this theme by inviting families to bring and share other tales from around the world. Do you have one? Maybe a traditional tale your grandparents shared with you? Would you be willing to come into Nursery to share it or even read it in your home language? We would love to hear it!

Dates For you Diary

School Closed for ‘Research Day’ on 5th and 6th June.

Children return to school on Wednesday 7th June.



Nursery Team wish all our UCPS families a safe and relaxing half term break!