I hear thunder…

This week in Meadows we have continued our project on Weather – specifically looking at stormy weather! Our Focus text was Storm by Sam Usher. Meadows have loved...


This week in Meadows we have continued our project on Weather – specifically looking at stormy weather! Our Focus text was Storm by Sam Usher. Meadows have loved moving like a storm, listening to different weather sounds and singing some weather-based songs such as I hear thunder, or Incy-Wincy spider. We have also started visiting the school library in small groups and had an in-house doctor’s surgery too. 

 The cold nights made the puddles and the water in the trays freeze on the playground. Children used hammers and other tools to break up the ice, they watched it shatter, mixed it with water to make slushy and had so much fun playing and observing the changes. 

We also went to the forest area to listen to the wintery sounds and to see what we can observe when we walk on frosty frozen grass. We heard crunchy sounds and saw our footprints in the frost too. 

This week we welcomed our new children into the class – well done to all the children for being so kind and supportive to them and to our new Meadows for having such a brilliant first week at UCPS.  

Due to the cold weather, we always aim to wrap up warm for outside. Children have been practicing putting on their coats, scarves and hats all by themselves. They are so proud when they manage to do it. Most children find it easiest to place their coat on the floor, hood facing their feet, bend down to reach into the sleeves and swing the coat over their heads. Why don’t you give it a try at home? 

Next week we will continue our weather project, looking at snowy weather, following on from the very cold weather this week! Fingers crossed we might even see some of the ‘white stuff’ ourselves! 

We would like to ask parents to please send in baby photos of their child(ren) – we will be looking at these photos during our small group time next week. Please upload these to Tapestry (or send to the office enquiries email). Many thanks. 

And again, thank you for your snack donations, children really enjoyed the different types of fruits and crackers. We greatly appreciate your support!