Family Festival

Well done! We have made it through the first half of the Autumn term! Once again, we are super proud of our little ‘Meadows’ this week! We have...


Well done! We have made it through the first half of the Autumn term!

Once again, we are super proud of our little ‘Meadows’ this week! We have been finding out all about different special days around the world like Diwali and Eid among others. We danced traditional dances like conga and zorba and we were creative making music to Sweet Beets.


We also tasted a variety of fruits from around the world!


We even had a visitor, Pippi Longstocking, who joined us on our journey through understanding communities and ourselves.

We enjoyed storytelling and were very interested in Handa’s Surprise book!

It was lovely to see so many parents come to Family Friday morning in the class and the celebration of our diversity during Family Festival in the afternoon!

Focus Text: Counting on Community

Thank you for your support this half term. We have enjoyed seeing the children embrace their new class environment and become part of our Meadows Family! We look forward to seeing you all after half term break!


School re-opens on Monday 31st October and on that day children will have their first school photo.

Wishing you all a safe and restful holiday!

Nursery Team