Clever classifiying

Year 4 have had a busy week in the sun! We have been writing in the style of Anne Fine, looking at coordinates and symmetry, classifying living things...


Year 4 have had a busy week in the sun! We have been writing in the style of Anne Fine, looking at coordinates and symmetry, classifying living things and having exciting PE sessions.

In Maths this week, we began by exploring symmetry and how we can show symmetry on a graph. Following this, we then looked at coordinates, using our carpets as live graphs and thinking about how we plot a position using coordinates. The children then created a treasure map with jewels plotted in the correct points. We also completed our multiplication check this week; we were extremely impressed with everyone’s maturity and support for others when completing these. The results of the check will be released to the school in a few weeks.

We have loved English this week writing stories in the style of Anne Fine. We used the ‘Diary of a Killer Cat’ as a reference book and then wrote our own animal diaries of some rather pesky creatures. Doing this was a great way to focus on writing in paragraphs; in particular, thinking about how we can write these in an interesting way.

During topic this week, we continued to explore the history of Eddington and considering those who may have influenced the area. We used the learning street to explore the famous faces behind some local street names and then each child wrote a fact file based on an influential person of their choice.

Continuing looking at living things, we considered how we could classify different plants and animals during science this week. We began by looking at the characteristics of different living things and then used this to group them. To finish we learnt how to create a branching database, using questions to effectively group a selection of living things.

On Thursday, we enjoyed having the whole year doing PE together. The girls took part in a rugby session run by Great Shelford Rugby club whilst the boys all worked together to improve their skills ahead of sports day.


Additional information:

Next week each class will be going on a local walk to explore the wildlife at Eddington Lake. Please ensure your child is wearing sun cream on this day and has both a hat and water bottle. The classes will be going on the following days:

Monday – Amazon and Nile

Wednesday – Thames.

On Tuesday next week it is sports day, please ensure your child has their PE kit, water and sunhat for this day. You should have received the coloured team your child is in, please send your child in with something of this colour to wear.

Please make sure your child has PE kit in school that is suitable for the hot weather. Ideally shorts and a t-shirt.

We are still in need of glass jars for STEAM week. Please bring these into school if you have any at home.

Next week in guided reading we will be reading pages 49-77 of ‘The Wild Robot’.