Here We Are: exploring character

This week we delved into the book  Here We Are by Oliver Jeffers and focused on creating characters. We  got a chance to meet another character and work...


This week we delved into the book  Here We Are by Oliver Jeffers and focused on creating characters. We  got a chance to meet another character and work with other classes to get to know our characters well in creative ways.

Maple and Nile really enjoyed working together in some role play and drama workshops. We asked some thoughtful questions to learn more about each other’s characters.

Learning challenges

Continue practising your 3,6,4,8 multiplication and division facts.

Writing and Reading:

Explore new books – especially focus on characters and what makes them interesting. Read and enjoy lots of books together over the break. The Book Bingo challenge will continue all the way to the end of term, so there is still plenty of time to complete the challenge and enter the prize draw.

If you go to a special place take pictures and maybe write a diary entry about your day. This will be useful when we start our new topic.

Writing prompts and find more creative writing ideas on

100 books to try and read in year 3 and 4

Important information

  • All children will bring home a copy of their persuasive speeches about how to improve our school. They can practice delivering their speeches over the break, and after half term we will vote on which speeches include the most persuasive content to go forward into the finals.
  • We are already excited for our new Spring 2 topic Around the World in 80 Days. We will be launching it on the first week back and for this we would like the children to bring in an interesting object/book/postcard/picture from somewhere around the world: this could be something representing their culture, a trip they have been on, their local area etc. Added to this,  if there is anyone in our parent community that would like to share their knowledge of Hinduism, has typical sari/saree dresses or knows how to do Indian dance please let us know as we are planning to celebrate Holi (10.03).
  • We are going to be using nature magazines and papers for our topic so if you have any that you are not using could you please give them to the children to bring to school.

Have a lovely half-term!