Traction Man: The Adventure Continues…

This week the children have been following the adventures of the wonderful and exciting Traction Man. They have explored a range of interesting adjectives and have used some...


This week the children have been following the adventures of the wonderful and exciting Traction Man. They have explored a range of interesting adjectives and have used some of these within their own incredible writing. They have also been enjoying using language for comparison in Mathematics.

Within Topic, Year 1 have discussed everyday heroes in relation to their own lives and experiences. We have spoken about what kind of qualities a hero may have and different examples of people that could be described as a hero. The children have challenged themselves to explain their reasoning though class discussions and through their writing.

Things to look forward to next week: 

  • In Maths we will be learning the signs for greater than and less than and using these to compare quantities.
  • In English we will be focusing upon labelling, creating labels for our Traction Man scene and also labeling the classroom. We will also be attempting some stop motion storytelling.
  • In Phonics we will be reviewing the sounds ch, sh, th and ng and the tricky words ‘she’ and ‘they’.
  • In Topic our focus will be Design & Technology… Traction Man’s rocket powered trainers have stopped working but he must complete his mission! We will be designing our very own methods of transport to ensure his important mission can continue.

Please follow this link for next week’s challenge signs: Challenge Signs

Important Notices:

  • Reading books and online login details for Bug Club, Purple Mash and Mathletics will be given out on Monday.
  • Please can all children bring in a family photo for our classroom display if they haven’t already done so.
  • Snacks are provided for Year 1 snack time. However, the children can bring in additional fruit for snack time if they would like.