Counting in 5’s and time to get active in gymnastics!

Session 1: English / Phonics combined: This week in English we will be focusing on applying some of our phase 5 alternative spelling into our writing. We will...


Session 1:

English / Phonics combined: This week in English we will be focusing on applying some of our phase 5 alternative spelling into our writing. We will also be recapping what we need to put in our sentences to make them more exciting to a reader. Today we will be looking at the spellings a_e and ay: English session 1 a_e ay

Maths: Today you will become number investigators. Can you complete the 5’s challenge and record your answers using different representations. You can journal (draw) your ideas in as many different ways. Maths Session 1 5’s investigation

Reading: This week, you can enjoy reading books of your choice! You can use Getepic, Bug club or find books from around your house. Do you have a cosy space you enjoy reading in? Maybe it’s time to create one!

Spelling: In spelling this week we will continue to focus on our common exception words. Each day we will practice writing them and then there is a game for you to play. Today’s game involves hopscotch! Spelling session 1


Session 2: 

English / Phonics combined: Today we will be focusing on the alternative spellings: ea, e_e and ey. Get a paper and pen ready to start the session off with a game of phonics bingo! English session 2 e_e ea and ey

Maths: You need to draw a line to match the pictures, equations and representations. Can you  see how repeated addition is the same multiplication? Start to recognise and talk about the pattern you can see when counting in multiples of 5. Maths Session 2 5’s Representations

Reading: What type of book will you read today? Fiction, picture book, fact book, magazine, comic? Complete the challenge and find out what people in your family like to read.

Spelling: Today in spelling we will continue to focus on our common exception words and then play an active game with them on sticky notes. Spelling session 2



Session 3: 

English / Phonics combined: Today’s English we are focusing on the alternative spellings ie and i_e. Miss Tutchener also needs your help today to edit her sentence and check it has all the things high quality writing needs! English session 3 ie and i_e

Maths: Today you need to explore writing your own representations of multiples of 5. Look at the number on the sheet and record this as repeated addition and a multiplication equation. You can use 5p coins to help you or 100sq from yesterday to help you. Can you challenge yourself to write word problems related to 5’s Maths Session 3 counting in 5’s and word problems

Reading: Choose today’s story and find a lovely space to read it! What has been your favourite book this week?

Spelling: Today we have some more common exception words and then a chance to apply your spelling of them through some word search activities.Spelling session 3



Tumbling skill 8: Backward handspring (flick flack)Gymnastics: Schools National trampoline event takes a tumble ...


Session 4:

P:E (Gymnastics) with  Miss Tatler! This week we are practicing our gymnastic shapes. Let’s see how many ways we can perform a tuck, pike, star, straight and straddle position. Then we can start creating our own routines! Make sure you have a clear space to carry out the lesson. Follow the link to find the body shape prompt cards:P.E. Gymnastics session 1

Session 5: 

P.E. (Gymnastics) with Miss Tatler! Time to get balancing my fellow gymnasts. You will need a rope, or something similar for the session today! We will be learning how to travel across something and keep our balance. Follow the link for session guidance.P.E. Gymnastics session 2


Other information: 

Mental Health awareness week, suggested ideas and resources: Mental Health Awareness Week

Monday: Understanding our feelings-Children talking about Mental Health and the importance of talking about feelings follow YouTube link in daily learning email

Tuesday: talking about feelings

Wednesday-Being compassionate listeners

Thursday- Story about kindness and making a kindness jar

Friday-Mindfulness: being kind to yourself: follow YouTube link for mindfulness yoga link

Sustrans Outside In

Walking, cycling and scooting are great ways to contribute to keeping us active and healthy in body and mind. During this time where we are mostly required to stay at home, these activities become harder to do so. Sustrans Outside In therefore aims to provide ideas and inspiration to bring health and wellbeing activities into the home.