Nativity update

This week, nativity rehearsals have got into full swing. We are using our stage in the school hall so as to feel familiar and confident in the space...


This week, nativity rehearsals have got into full swing. We are using our stage in the school hall so as to feel familiar and confident in the space ready for our big performance.

Some children will be taking home lines this week to practise as part of their role. If there are lines in your child’s book bag, please practise them at home with your child. Some children do not have lines to practise as they have dancing roles and acting roles, which we are rehearsing with them in school. All children are involved in the nativity and we are looking forward to sharing our story with you.

You should have received your letter about the costume your child requires. If you have any concerns about getting or making this outfit please let your class teacher know.